Wednesday 12 November 2008

Moving Image Pathway

Lego Mindstorm Nxt Rationale

I have decide to go down the moving image pathway due to how this is the area of digital media which I want specialize in. The main reason I have chosen this specific brief is due to how I feel it offers me a chance to gain more skills with the cameras and with after effects, also it will allow me to use equipment I have not used before. I also chose this brief due to how it is to do with advertising which I feel is an area of video which I may persue more. With this brief I want to experiment with the different kinds of shots you can do, I want to use a track and dolly system to experiment with the effect which this gives.
I have chosen the Lego Mindstorm Nxt brief, when I was younger I used to play with Lego all the time, it was just bricks, wheels, windscreens, basically click and play. As I got older I had Lego Technics, which started off as Lego “expert builder” many years before I was even born, this was more complex and involved gears, cogs, batteries and elements with light and sound. In 1985 the first Technic Computer Control was produced, which was an educational system whereby Technic robots, trucks, and other motorized models could be controlled with a computer. In 2006 the NXT was released which is the next step, it’s fully programmable and uses scensors to react with it’s environment. I want to do this brief because it’s something which I am interested in and feel I have a bit of background knowledge in the area.

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