Tuesday 18 November 2008

Red Cam

While some of us are dreaming of the latest digital SLR (the new Canon 50D comes to mind), the founder of Oakley has a different idea. Jannard sold Oakley for a tidy sum about two years ago and set about revolutionizing photography and cinema. The product of his imagination exists today in a distinctive Oakley-esque style: the RED Digital Camera.

The RED Epic and RED One are the first cameras to be launched by the company. Calling these a camera is oversimplifying things somewhat. The RED is a completely modular system, in which each component is combined with the others in any desirable configuration. That means piecing together lens, image sensor and battery packs, for example. Each component is available separately, meaning the capabilities of the device can be extended and enhanced.

Take the image sensor, for example. Why not start with the rather pedestrian Mysterium-X for the Scarlet capable of 4.9MP still images. Tired of that low resolution? No sweat: insert the Monstro to gain the same still image at 261MP!

What good is a still image if you want to shoot movies? Of course, the RED is capable of shooting beyond the now outmoded HD resolution. In fact, consumer television sets are not yet in production to display the movies shot at the maximum super high definition resolution. Output is written to any number of storage media, including flash cards, hard drives and RAID arrays.

The RED looks absolutely awesome and i think this is a new way of thinking about shooting, which could mean a new era for special effects and the possibility it will be better for the cgi intergretion into films in the future

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