Monday 21 January 2008

Leeds 88.1

Leeds have one pioneering radio station and it goes by the name of Frequency 88.1. It is a showcase of the finest most talented local dj's and mc's from around the region, it also haelps in launching fresh talent and aids the community by playing educational adverts on drugs and gun crime

"Radio Frequency 88.1FM needs your help

Radio Frequency, the Yorkshire based specialist Drum & Bass radio station currently has a court case pending.
In the eyes of Ofcom, the courts and the media, unlicensed radio stations sometimes get a bad reputation and are often linked to drugs and violence. We’re trying to raise awareness of the good things that the station has done, and show that it was a professionally run station that was an asset to the community.
We’ve setup a petition to collect names, so if you could take two seconds to sign it this could really help our cause."

This is from a website called, due to the fact that this is Leeds no.1 dnb radio station and the fact it's pirate means that it's constantly in a battle to stay hidden and ensure the broadcasting people who monitor the radio waves don't track them, this means studio position needs to change regularly. Every time they get caught they risk fines, all the equipment removing and possible prossecution.

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