Thursday 16 October 2008

SCi Fi idea

I decided due to how i wanted to use maya again that i would make an ident for the sci-fi channel. The idea that i have is to film a shot of either a building or skyline and then for a UFO to appear and move around the screen, then for the camera to be knocked to the floor (just the view not the actual camera) due to a hand trying to stop filming. I plan on shooting in Leeds city centre, weather permitting on a reasonably unclouded day. If the weather is not fantastic i plan on shooting footage anyway but i will then have to concentrate more on lighting the UFO accurately.

I began by getting imagery and examples of idents used on the sci-fi channel, below is the logo which i took into illustrator then used to create a vector image with the pen tool. this meaning it won't pixelate at any size.

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