Wednesday 31 October 2007

Strange inventions....

Just a few things that i thought should be seen, dunno why they've been made but you know whatever floats your boat.

Aint sure why but well done whoever invented this.....

It's called CB2 (Child-Robot with Biometric Body) and is the freaky creation of the Japan Science and Technology Agency. It can stand with assistance, roll around like a baby and even mimic some facial expressions - although not in a way that would make you want to cuddle it. One thing that worries me is that it sounds like a small yapping dog....weird.

The ACM-R5 comes from Japan, it has a small camera, lights and is powered by a lithium-ion battery that will allow it to swim menacingly for up to 30 minutes. I think it's cool how realistically it swims and can only imagine how much fun i could letting it loose in a public pool......hahaha.

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