Monday 1 October 2007


This brief is about communicating who I am through mainly visual media using as little or no text as possible, I want it to reflect my personality and show what I’m all about. I plan on using dark and light colours to show the how my moods change between my likes and dislikes. I plan on showing my hobbies and interests also. This will all be produced finally in Photoshop. I want to take images of myself using the best quality digital cameras available, in different positions and poses so that I can edit them later half will be happy half will be angry I want to use multiple images of myself to show how there is more than meets the eye, which I will also show with the perspective of the figures. The item’s I dislike about myself being towards the back being more translucent in appearance and features I like about myself at the front bolder so they stand out. I would like to do this in the photography lighting studio so I get professional looking shots but if this isn’t available I will take pictures in front of a white background so they are more easily editable after. I will be trying different layouts so that I know what sort of shots I need to achieve for them to work in my piece. Then using Photoshop paste each picture together to create one piece as a sort of digital photo montage, to show my likes and dislikes I will give each “mini me” a different item that I either like or dislike depending on the emotion involved.

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