Tuesday 27 May 2008

Green Screen

This is an instructional video for green screening, the main points that i noticed are the screen itself needs to be un-wrinkled and the lighting is very important. I want to use green sreen and ad an animated background. I plan on using video editing also to do some diffo effects.

Wednesday 21 May 2008


Cool Advert


This is a version of our horros story after we have had our crit and some interesting input has been applied, we have decided to twist the story far more than we originally had. But the darker the better, also we have locations and actors almost finalised.

(Beggining with a ms)A young girl is sat on her computer, she is using an instant messenger to talk to a friend. (Cut to view through her eyes CU on computer screen) you see the last few messages of her conversation, it’s from a boy saying we’ve been talking for a while now are we gonna meet soon, you hear her voice in her head, “should i go? i’ve been talkin to him for a while i think i should” they arrange to meet at a bridge loacally to the pair. (cuts to shot through her eyes) she sees a male halfway across the bridge lookin at the river, (cut to LS, zoom to CU of male face, cut back to view through her eyes) “oh no this was a bad idea, he looks old enough to be my dad” She turns to walk away (trough eyes) when she sees a young man,(shot through his eyes) he says “hi it’s jake” (shot from her eyes) “thank god” . He suggests they go for a walk in the woods, she is more than happy to get away from the bridge. (LS) They start walking, they head through these woods filled with bluebells (through girls eyes LS) she turns and sees the old man walking behind them, (MS from side) she grabs the boys arm and walks briskly off deep into the woods, (through his eyes CU) he stops as does she they look deep into each others eyes (alternating CU) both close their eyes, as though they are going to kiss (screen goes blank) lots of banging and the male grunting, the girl stays quiet. (cut to a CU of a computer screen) hear a double click and a photo album opens up on screen..........................pictures of the boys mutilated body. (MS) Girl on instant messenger again.

Friday 2 May 2008

Gun Colour

Alien weapon


When the spaceman is couloured iu see it lookin like this, but i wil have to cut it up to allow it to animate.

This is what the character looks like if you play with the curves to change the black and white levels.

These are some intial sketches i did for the human spaceman that has crash landed, i like the figure to the far left best.