Monday 28 April 2008

Walk Cycle

This is the charcter i drew split up so as to make a walk cycle and also a range of movement, i think i may need to draw some other arms and in different positions.

Human ?Ship

This is the design i have done for at the start of my story when we first see the human ship flying around, it looks kinda shaky around the edges but this is the best i could do with the live trace, when its in flash it will appear very small though so i think it may work.

Live Paint

After tracing this is the way it looks once it has been coloured by the live paint tool. I don't really like these colours due to how they look a bit odd. I think i'll try it in a gradient with colours that are further away in the scale so as to make the shading better and more realistic.


After placing in illlustrator, i live traced this is and this is the result. i'm going to play with the trace options to get a better more correct trace.


This is what the ships look like after i have played with the curves to seperate the black and white, preparing it to be imported to illustrator to be live traced and then ultimatley live painted.

Ship Design

These are a few simple ship designs i drew for the ships used to transport people around the surface of the alien plane

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Interactive ame Map

This is the first version of the way in which you may be able to navigate the game, i think that the fable of a wolf in sheeps clothing lends it's self nicely to adaptation and will suit the animation i have proposed well.

This is an example of some characters i made in photoshop that are very similar to the final one's i will use.

Monday 21 April 2008

Flash Animation

Video Dj

This is possibly the best thing i've ever seen, it called video dj'ing and it follows the same ideas as scratching. You can mix videos and create beats from sounds made mixing the visual also.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Horror Story

A young girl goes for a walk, she decides to go have a look around and then walks through an underpass to get to the local mill. As she has been walking the light has been fading, she reaches the mill when it's fully dark in the sky and begins to become quite anxious, even paranoid. She starts to hear noises coming from around her, and her hart rate increases. A twig snaps, she turns and see's a dark figure behind her, panicking she runs down a side road and falls down a steep overgrown embankment leading to a disused boat dock. She's cut, bruised and very scared, during the fall she twisted her ankle and is finding it hard to put any weight on it. She see's the dark figure at the top of the embankment and scrambles in pain to her feet, teeth clenched in fear and pain mostly she tries hobbling off, she hears the figure shouting and turns not concentrating on where she's heading, the figure begins to descend the steep slope slowly. Still not concentrating the girl picks up speed, the figure now gaining on her is shouting more and more. The girl turns just to see the river infront of her, she turns back again, the figure is almost upon the girl turns and hurls herself into the raging torrent of a river, she struggles to keep her head above water. Her head surfaces from the water one more time, just enough time to see the figure laughing. The girl's body was found weeks on down river, her cause of death, at first believed to be drowning. After a postmortem the death was described as suspicious due to how no water was found in the lungs, the coroner described the victim as scared to death........

Monday 7 April 2008

Interactive Story 2

This website is an example of an interactive story that you can only turn pages, i don't really think that this is any better than a normal book and isn't really that interesting or mind capturing. I think that for a book to capture interest you have to have many moving parts and it is essential to have different options, however with the fables we are doing they have a moral which must be maintained.

Interactive Story

This is a link to the website for the clifford the big red dog interactive stories, i think these are some good examples of stories which you can choose an option which changes the effect it has to the reaction of the animation.