Wednesday 21 November 2007

2020 Examples

This is a "screen" view that i have made to go on the circular head up function of the display, i see this working like the dock on a mac. Each function in a dock and you select one by touching and dragging it to the centre of the screen to maximize and the other returns to the dock. This could also allow multi user interface at different angles. This is aside from the functions of showing 3-d media as well through projection.

These are some designs i produced for an idea of shape and form to give myself a visual to do some poster designs from. The tall thin table like item is what the computer unit actually projects which has any sort of keys needed, this aswell includes the spherical display....I'd like to think it could project other shapes aswell like a rectangular screen for television.

Tuesday 20 November 2007


This is some digital mockups i've done for item's i'm going to use in my final poster.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Old Mac Ad.....

This is an old add for an early mac.....who'd of thought what they'd turn out like...

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Friday 2 November 2007


If this isn't futuristic then i don't know what is, i think it's insane that technology is getting this advanced when this is what i'd think would be happening in the future, but advancements are happening faster and faster. This is visable with mobile phones, every few weeks a new model upgraded from the last is available. I just wander if anything which will be new technology by 2012 will even have any ties to items around at the mo.....