Wednesday 26 September 2007

Sci-Fi to reality....

Minority Report featured gloves with which you could control a fiction?? Not any more with combining new transcreen technology and 3-d tracking it could be created. There are new methods where when you walk around the screen you actually view different angles of the image it is restricted to computer generated content but it's still bloody impressive..

There are however people who have taken this a step futher and applied it to a 3-d active context........

3-d TV

musion eyeliner 3d hologram

Musion Eyeliner is a new and unique high definition video projector system allowing spectacular freeform 3-Dimensional holographic, moving images that appear within a live stage setting using Peppers Ghost technology.

Musion Eyeliner produces images of high resolution and quality that make them unmistakably real, which is what happened when Gorillaz & Madonna performed the opening number at the recent Grammy Awards.

Musion Eyeliner is an open system that uses a specially developed foil in reflecting images from high definition video projectors, making it possible to show virtual images of variable sizes and distinct clarity created using a proprietary software. The entire system consists of a truss box and a stage, where the virtual picture appears.


As far as i was aware this sort of thing only exhisted in the jetsons or a sci fi film, but this is the moller skycar. A fully functioning hover car which will apparentley be able to fly at 300mph at a cool 20,000ft up in the air. Maybe the future isn't as far away as i thought???


During the next few weeks we are using second life and getting used to avatars, this breif is all about what technology i think will be common place in the year 2020 and i have to make an advert for it. I'm currently thinking about the next generation in transport as a possibility seen as when ever you see peoples' representations of the future there are always flying vehicles or space ships.

Monday 24 September 2007

First Blog

This is my first blog and i intend on posting pieces of work i have either done myself or find of some significance to what i'm doing.